Scotch Whisky Cocktails
Whisky Sour
50ml Scotch Whisky
30ml lemon juice
15ml pure cane syrup
15ml egg white
How to make: Shake all the ingredients with ice. Strain back into the cocktail shaker and shake again, without ice. Strain into ice filled glass, garnish with dried orange slice.

Scotch Whisky Sour

Scotch Whisky Highball
Whisky Highball
50ml Scotch Whisky
150ml premium ginger ale
How to make: Pour the ingredients into an ice-filled glass and stir. Garnish with a wedge of lime.
Rob Roy
50ml Scotch Whisky
30ml sweet vermouth
2 x dash bitters
How to make: Stir all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled glass.

Rob Roy Cocktail

Old Fashioned
Old Fashioned
60ml Scotch Whisky
10ml muscovado sugar syrup
10 x dash bitters
How to make: Stir all the ingredients over ice. Strain into glass with single, large ice-cube. Garnish with twist of orange zest.
Blood and Sand
25ml Scotch Whisky
25ml cherry brandy liqueur
25ml sweet vermouth
How to make: Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled glass. Garnish with a twist of orange zest.

Blood and Sand