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UK General Election 2024

UK General Election 2024
Learn more about the SWA's manifesto for the 2024 General Election, and our ask of candidates to pledge to #SupportScotch

People | Planet | Prosperity

We want all the parties to champion our great exports like Scotch Whisky, ensuring it has the support it needs in the UK to deliver the growth and investment to see it flourish, deliver on its sustainability objectives, and play a leading role in promoting Scotland and the UK around the world.



Follow the SWA on X to learn more about our asks of Parliamentary candidates, and ensure that the government supports Scotch Whisky at home, abroad and for its long-term future.

Our Manifesto to #SupportScotch

As we look ahead to this year’s election, we put forward a simple ask - help us build the domestic foundation to achieve global success.

The next government has an opportunity to ensure the next chapter of the Scotch Whisky story is one of partnership, shared ambition, and one that delivers for people across the UK, and our planet as we continue our path to net-zero, and the prosperity of the nation.

We want all the parties to champion our great exports like Scotch Whisky, ensuring it has the support it needs in the UK to deliver the growth and investment to see it flourish, deliver on its sustainability objectives, and play a leading role in promoting Scotland and the UK around the world.

Accelerate Sustainable Scotch

Provide a focused solution from government on grid connectivity and the capacity to support increased decarbonisation and access to the energy grid.

Support Scotch in our biggest market

Our industry needs the permanent removal of the 25% tariffs on Single Malt Scotch Whisky in the United States. The suspension of those tariffs is due to expire in June 2026 and their permanent removal, ensuring the industry is not hit again with punitive tariffs in trade disputes, is vital.

Back growth and investment at home

Reduce the excise duty burden on spirits to the EU average by the end of the Parliament, which will support our industry to invest, grow our exports and our workforce, and deliver increased revenue to the Treasury.

Mark Kent, SWA Chief Executive, on the why the Scotch Whisky industry is asking all political parties and candidates to #SupportScotch and our manifesto asks in #GE2024

Ruth Piggin, SWA Director of Industry Sustainability, on how the UK Government can support the Scotch Whisky industry to achieve our shared net zero goals through increased grid connectivity and access.

Graeme Littlejohn, SWA Director of Strategy & Communication, on the industry's asks for a fair and equitable tax system, to back growth and investment at home.

Ian McKendrick, SWA International Director, on how the Government can support Scotch by committing to deliver on key market growth, including securing permanent removal of tariffs.

Paddy Fletcher, Co-founder of Port of Leith Distillery (Muckle Brig Ltd), on how the next UK Government can #SupportScotch and create an even playing field for spirits producers.

Alasdair Day, Co-founder and Master Distiller at Isle of Raasay Distillery, on how the next UK Government can #SupportScotch in our biggest markets overseas.

John Stirling, Director of Arbikie Distillery, on how the next UK government can accelerate sustainable scotch by providing a focused solution on grid connectivity and the capacity to support increased decarbonisation and access to the energy grid.

Jenny Karlsson, Marketing & Communications Manager at Ardnamurchan Distillery, spoke to us on how improved grid connectivity and capacity can support rural distilleries and communities.

'Make Scotland Prosper' Hustings

Hosted in collaboration with Prosper and Salmon Scotland

Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes (SNP), Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland Ian Murray (Labour), Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Scotland Lord Donald Cameron (Conservative) and former Secretary of State for Scotland Alistair Carmichael (Liberal Democrats) as panelists, and Rona McDougall as moderator.

Scotland is a key battleground in this general election campaign – and is home to many thriving sectors vital to the UK economy.

Businesses leaders in Scotland wanted to hear from political parties about their plans to help make Scotland prosper over the course of the next Parliament and beyond.

That is why Prosper – Scotland’s most influential business network – the Scotch Whisky Association and Salmon Scotland – the trade bodies for Scotland’s most successful exports – came together to host a cross-party hustings on Monday 24th June, held at Johnnie Walker Princes Street in Edinburgh.

The event was held in front of an invited audience of 100 business leaders from across Scotland, representing large sectoral interests and small and medium sized enterprises. 

Why #SupportScotch?

The Scotch Whisky Association represents an iconic domestic manufacturing industry with global reach. Our membership base represents over 90 member companies, from global spirits producers to family-owned firms, established to new distillers, that accounts for the majority of Scotch Whisky production. Our members own hundreds of brands and thousands of expressions enjoyed in more than 180 markets worldwide. 

The Scotch Whisky industry

  • Exports 43 bottles of Scotch Whisky per second, worth £5.6bn in 2023
  • Adds £7.1bn in Gross Value Added to the economy
  • Supports over 66,000 jobs across the UK, including many in rural parts of the country
  • Invests over £2.1bn in our UK-wide supply chain




We're asking your parliamentary candidates to #SupportScotch in #GE2024 and beyond


For updates on the SWA's political engagement beyond the 2024 General Election, please click here.