07 June 2023
A tribute to Sir Ivan Menezes

A statement from Mark Kent, Chief Executive of the Scotch Whisky Association, on the passing of Diageo CEO and SWA Chair Sir Ivan Menezes
“Sir Ivan was a towering figure in Scotch Whisky, who not only helped to shape the global success of the industry but laid the foundation for future generations.
“It is too soon to encapsulate fully the impact he had on the Scotch Whisky industry, that time will come later. But it is as deep and long lasting as the affection in which he was held by those who knew him best. Aside from being a consummate professional, one of the most successful business leaders of his generation, he was a warm and caring human being.
“Through our grief, that legacy will sustain us, encourage us to follow the example he set, and enable us to remember fondly the time we had with him.
“The thoughts of the SWA, and the whole Scotch Whisky family, are with Ivan’s loved ones and our colleagues at Diageo at this difficult time.”