23 October 2019
Organisations come together for Scotch Whisky Action Fund learning event

The Scotch Whisky Action Fund (SWAF) has this week hosted an event aimed at sharing experiences and learning from Scottish projects who have received funding to help tackle alcohol-related harm. The annual learning event is the Scotch Whisky Action Fund’s fifth to date, and featured presentations from eight recipient projects from around Scotland, who shared what the funding has helped them to achieve, and the challenges that were faced. The event was chaired by Douglas Meikle, Head of Alcohol Policy at the Scotch Whisky Association, with opening remarks from Karen Betts, Chief Executive at the Scotch Whisky Association.
The Scotch Whisky Action Fund was established in 2013 and has made 50 awards to initiatives across Scotland working to reduce alcohol-related harm. The SWAF is administered by Foundation Scotland, who provide advice and support to organisations seeking funding to address alcohol-related issues in communities across the country.
Following the presentations, a roundtable discussion followed, covering the key topics of innovation, sustainability and evaluation, to help ensure that the support awarded by the Scotch Whisky Action Fund maintains a lasting legacy.
“The projects represented today have been supported by the Action Fund and are an important part of the Scotch Whisky industry’s commitment to ensuring that it plays its full part in promoting responsible drinking and tackling alcohol related harm”, said SWA Chief Executive Karen Betts. “The industry admires the sensitivity, persistence, creativity and humanity of the organisations and individuals that have made these projects happen, and we are proud to be able to support their work.”
“Elgin Youth Development Group recently celebrated its 21st birthday: fast forward to 2019 and we have built a safe space where young people can access support and advice on alcohol related issues, made possible with the funding received from Scotch Whisky Action Fund.”
Clair Ferguson, Elgin Youth Development Group

“The SWAF funding we received was used to increase awareness and knowledge among young people about alcohol and the impact it can have. We believe that a newer approach is needed to help improve outcomes for young people who have already adopted alcohol use as a coping mechanism and we hope that what we learn from today will help us continue to engage them in positive activities.”
Dawn Mullady, The Pitstop, Forfar
The full list of projects who presented at the learning event were:
School Alcohol Awareness Raising and Information Sessions
Hibernian Football Club Community Foundation, Edinburgh
Alcohol Awareness Programme
Reeltime Music, North Lanarkshire
Young Person Education and Support Project: Evanna’s Story
The Pitstop, Forfar
Saturday Night Project
Dyadic Art Therapy: Parent Child Dyadic Family Support
Impact Arts, Glasgow
Clear Thinking Smart Drinking
One Parent Families Scotland, Dundee
Family relationship counselling to children, parents and families
Bright Light, Edinburgh
Alcohol Harm Reduction Project: SX – Sex, Health and Wellbeing for Gay and Bisexual men
Waverley Care, Edinburgh