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Your search for the phrase sales of non-peaty Scotch returned 261 results.


Learn some answers to common questions about Scotch Whisky, including how it is categories, and is Scotch gluten free.

Distillery Map

View a map showing all the Scotch Whisky distilleries in Scotland


SWA aims to promote and facilitate communication and understanding between the industry members and various government departments.

Recruiting: Head of Trade - Asia Pacific

The SWA is seeking a Head of Trade - Asia Pacific to join our International and Global Regulatory Affairs teams

UK Excise Duty

Alcohol duty is currently higher for distillers than any other alcohol category in the UK. Learn more about how fair taxation will support the Scotch Whisky industry and consumers, while still delivering tax revenue to fund vital public services.

Scotch Whisky exports in first half of 2024 reflect global economic headwinds

SWA calls on UK government to back Scotch Whisky in more difficult times. The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) has released new figures revealing that exports of Scotch Whisky in the first half of 2024 have fallen by 18% compared to the same period in 2023.

Enjoying Scotch

Learn more about how to enjoy Scotch Whisky responsibly

Scotch Whisky industry underpins its commitment to responsible marketing

The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) has appointed four new members to its Independent Complaints Panel (ICP) for its Code of Practice for Responsible Marketing of Scotch Whisky.

Protecting Scotch Whisky outside the UK

As a registered "Geographical Indication" (GI) in many overseas markets including the EU, Scotch Whisky is protected from misuse, imitation, evocation and any other practice liable to mislead consumers.